Sunday, June 19, 2016

Celebrate Father's Day!

"When I was a kid, I said to my father one afternoon, 'Daddy, will you take me to the zoo?' He answered, 'If the zoo wants you, let them come and get you.'" - Jerry Lewis

My father had a great sense of humor.  An entertaining prankster, he always shed a positive light on life. He certainly would have teased me with the above joke.

I swarmed him with questions about the world. One right after another. If he couldn't answer one, he would tell me a story. We shared our love of sunsets which he called, 'the great ball of fire."  

He left this earth for parts unknown 39 years ago.  He'd always say, "I can't leave till my work on earth is done."  Unfortunately, I think he had much more to do.

One of the tricks he played on my husband (then boyfriend) involved the day Michael asked him "for my hand in marriage." Mike knew my father would respect that tradition. Close friends, my Dad and Michael's shared delight that we had started dating four years earlier.  

Michael walked into his office and asked if they could talk. He stood but my father motioned him to the chair across from his desk. This chair had held many dignitaries who would sink low in the cushion and have to look up at my father. Not many out-negotiated him from this position.

"Penny and I would like to get engaged," Michael said sitting tall.

"Engaged in what?"  my father's straight-faced response. Then he burst out laughing and shook Mike's hand.

He rose, went to the closet and called me, knowing I had my ears tuned in the next room.  He brought out a tray with three glasses and a bottle of Ballentine's Scotch.  

My father never drank so our eyes widened. He asked Michael to stand and for me to stand next to him. Then he offered the glasses to us.  When he turned the top on the bottle, music flowed!  He had us.

Michael and I will celebrate our 48th Anniversary the end of June.  I know my father's thinking of something clever for our 50th.

Happy Father's Day.

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