Sunday, January 1, 2017

Write Life in 2017

The beginning is the most important part of the work – Plato

Prepare for your Write 2017  

You possess all you need to activate your Write Life in 2017. You do not have to fret or feel concern. It’s all there. If you focus on your resolve and bring to mind the intention and commitment to write, you will achieve your true Write Mind.

A supportive state of mind becomes the best way to commit to a Write Habit. Nourish your resolve and direct your write energy with intention. Change your statements about writing. Instead of indicating that you want to write or you will write, think “Writing is my nature.”

If you permit your subconscious mind to work from a place of perceived inadequacy, the energy that supports your resolve weakens. A positive approach assists your level of contentment even during times of seeming frustration.

If you haven't experienced the advantages of a Write Life, begin now.

Energize into your Write Mind!

Fly into your writing inquiries with Positive Responses:

1.  Why do you want to write more in 2017?

2.  What do you want to write?

3.  How will you practice writing?

4.  In what ways will you write past frustration in 2017?

5.  How will you permit yourself to write for Fun each day?

6.  What new areas will you discover?

7.  How will you reward yourself for writing?

8.  What do you need to accomplish in your writing?

9.  Do you need a writing pal?

10. What will you do to strengthen your writing resolve?

Keep your writing resolve moving with a smile! 

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