Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Find Wonder

What makes us human is not the fact of that elemental vulnerability, which we share with
all other living creatures, but the awareness of that fact — the way existential uncertainty worms the consciousness capable of grasping it. But in that singular fragility lies, also, our singular resilience as thinking, feeling animals capable of foresight and of intelligent, sensitive decision-making along the vectors of that foresight.  - Erik Fromm

During our travel in uncertain times, Erik Fromm reminds us, "may a thousand of sanity bloom, each valid so long as it is viable in buoying the human spirit it animates. And may we remember the myriad terrors and uncertainties preceding our own, which have served as unexpected awakenings from some of our most perilous civilizational slumbers."

 " . . . and may we remember the myriad terrors might steer the country toward precisely such pathways to greater strength, clarity, joy, independence." - Erik Fromm
Feel Gratitude today for what you have the ability to control. Discover strength with clarity and joy. Let possibilities turn into realities. 

Seek the richness of each moment and find wonder.

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