Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Amaze Your Imagination

"'But it was hard for Will Silver to keep firm hands on herself, because small things - dragonflies, earwigs, sticks with peeling bark, warm rain, those wonderful curls of fur behind dogs' ears - they had a strange way of making time disappear.  She had wondered often if other people felt the same way, but had never been able to explain it properly, that feeling of sharpness and fullness. - Katherine Rundell, "Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms

A childlike fascination with nature captures the imagination. Shapes and scents, raindrops and breezes that lift the hair, excite awareness. By observing and making connections, words flow into life's delight. We forget to worry about what we cannot control.

Push into memories of discovering what happened the first time you saw the flick of a match.

Where did that fire burst hide before you enlivened it?  In Rundell's story, Will feels the magic of fire and says, "Look, Si. Like it's alive and it's also not really alive. Watch. It moves without wind." She blows sparks into the air, "It is amazing, isn't it Si?"

Recall times that you raced into rapture.

Search with imagination and insight for what you have not noticed.

Let a stick with peeling bark or rose petals draw you into an insect's perspective.

Become a sleuth for feelings of sharpness and fullness.

Amaze your imagination.

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