Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Art of Nature

In 1902, William James the father of American psychology, urged the study of transcendent experiences. James believed experiences we enjoy with a sense of wonder represent reality. Often this “true reality” eludes us as we stay busy in our day-to-day lives. We need to discover our true nature through interactions with the natural world. He felt these encounters held keys to help us explore the possibilities of human personality. 

Fifty years later, Abraham Maslow began his explorations into self-actualization. Maslow focused on peak experiences. He described these as moments of intense joy, wonder, appreciation, or a spiritual relationship. 

Maslow felt educators could promote peak experiences by instilling a sense of wonder and appreciation in children. 

As a result of opening individuals to a sense of wonder, he believed more creative individuals would abound in sciences and the arts.

The Art of Nature

Each day provides opportunities to witness and appreciate nature's ways of expressing beauty. Designs and expressions whirl around us in bird song, wing movements, and cloud formations. 

The scent of jasmine, a poppy opening, smile from a stranger, or the expression of someone we love vaults us to elation, awe, and wonder. 

These elevations to bliss provide personal well-being. 

Imagine your life and the world energized by love, respect, and joy. Replacing frustration with wonder comes in small breaths with opened eyes and ears.

Discover an opening never considered before in a flower or yourself.

Search for peak experiences that reveal humanity at its best in optimal flourishing. 

Appreciate the variety of nature's offerings.

Experience the sun and breeze on your skin. Observe with your fingers how a rose unfurls. 
Promote your wonder. Find solace in something greater that ever imagined.

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