Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Write Out of the Ordinary

During a morning run, I often pass this building. Existing on a corner in prime real estate, it houses the telephone switching station. Technology fills the space without employees to monitor it.

No one goes in or out. No sounds arouse the interest of a passerby.  On a vacant space behind the bushes, a homeless man parks his cart. Individuals walk from the market across the street to place items in his area. The nearby Subway sends scents of footlong sandwiches. Bacon and egg aromas waft from the restaurant nearby.

When I took photographs for today's message, the image traveling amidst sun rays sparked intrigue. Streaks created an eerie sense. What or who came to visit from the clouds?

That energized more ideas for a story out of the ordinary

How often do you pass by a site and feel a pinch of curiosity about what goes on inside?

Notice how these eyes create a cartoonish feeling?

Who lingers behind the iron gate?

Creative Write: Create a scene from the above photographs.  What happens inside and outside?  Or, describe a place people usually walk by without noticing. Give them a reason to wonder.

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