Saturday, December 28, 2013

Write About Parents

Virgil's Hand  
by Francesc Parcerisas translated
by Cyrus Cassells 
The battle's slow and sinuous,
a stormy fire on the hilltops.
The enemy's spears and darts
have decimated,
at such a snail's pace,
our once-protecting parents,
that, almost unawares, we're caught,
wordless, shield-less, in the blazing
tumult of the frontline.
Up till now, Virgil's hand.
From this day forward,
the world will be utterly different:
we'll combat the fire
totally on our own.
Guideless, spurred by a secret
quest for common sense,
perhaps, in the long run, we'll realize
the ramparts,
the enemy, the war itself,
are trumped-up shadows
of a fire that's merely
light and ash;
we'll realize: purgatory
and paradise are located
within us.


In what ways did you learn to combat the fire on your own?

What did you learn from your parents that resides within you?  Consider behaviors you forward on to others that have tendrils of parental guidance. How have you taking pieces of a mother or father and puzzled them into you?

Creative Write: Let your writing entertain the questions about parental influences.

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