Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Procrastination Writing

poem I wrote sitting across the table from you
by Kevin Varrone
if I had two nickels to rub together
I would rub them together

like a kid rubs sticks together
until friction made combustion

and they burned
a hole in my pocket

into which I would put my hand
and then my arm

and eventually my whole self--
I would fold myself

into the hole in my pocket and disappear
into the pocket of myself, or at least my pants

but before I did
like some ancient star

I'd grab your hand 

Kevin Varrone wrote the above poem while procrastinating his current work. When writing at a coffee shop, he overheard someone talk about rubbing two nickels together. 

Varrone diverted his attention and started a poem. When he returned to the work that troubled him, myriad solutions arose.

When stuck in a situation, avoid trying to slug it out. The brain needs diversion. Change your direction, add humor, and enjoy a change of setting. Wander on a nature walk.

Listen to snippets of conversation. Let writing flow. Begin with an image to distract and direct you into unexplored creativity.  

Creative Write: Take time today to divert from troubled work that doesn't respond. Free yourself from life's frustrations with a creative procrastination break in writing. Write a letter!

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