Saturday, April 14, 2012

Write about Worry

A Swedish proverb says, "Worry often gives small things a big shadow."

Life's hazards and difficulties deserve action rather than a wander in worry.  Why become hyped up over hypothetical hazards and dazed difficulties?

Congratulate yourself on a creative mind that conjures worries. Most worries never come true.  During the day when a worry taps your shoulder, trap it on a list.  Just one line - I worry about. . . Write three ways to get beyond the thoughts.  Entertain yourself.

At the end of the day, write to conquer the shadow. You may discover a story about a character who captured the mice that raced in his head and trained them for the circus.  Or write a poem about little girl who found a way to sell her worries.

Worry yourself into a story or poem.  Go get that shadow and dance.

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