Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Hir a Thoddaid - Write a Welsh Poem


The Thoddaid (TOE-thy'd) is a Welsh poetry form. It includes a combination of end rhymes and internal rhyming.


- Six lines

- Lines one through four and six have nine syllables and share the same end rhyme.
- Fifth Line has 10 syllables.
- There is a "B" rhyme somewhere near the end of the fifth line and beginning the sixth line.

Beyond the breakers there forms a glow
where a pause in the waves looks like snow
as a sunbeam marks shadows for show
along its stream feathers move below
then flapping soars an osprey way up high
captures sky wonder for a wild blue show.

Write a nature Thoddaid. Mention a flower or bird. Or use them in a title and do not mention them in the poem. 

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