Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Just Pause

"In the middle of just living, which is usually a pretty caught-up experience characterized by a lot of internal discussion with yourself, you just pause." - Thich Nhat Hanh

Life's energy shifts and changes; never static. Within this constant movement, if we take time to pause, a space occurs. Removed from the immediacy of life's whirl, we experience refreshment.

Take time during the day, regardless of the situation, to move away from the action and pause. Take a few breaths and feel a moment of stillness.  

natural intelligence will take over as you look out a window or enjoy a walk to observe the changing scenes of the sky.  Become curious with all the senses.

When life runs wild, a pause nurtures. Move away from feeling caught up in traffic with a pause and three breaths.  

Amidst the day's queasy feelings: Pause. Relent. Relax.  After this Rest, move on.

Permit space to contact the natural openness of the mind where intelligence merges with wonder.

Pause to touch, feel, and relent. 

Collect these experiences to reflect on at day's end.

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