Monday, July 27, 2015

Investigate the Stillpoint

Except for the point, the stillpoint,
There would be no dance
And there is only the dance. - T.S. Eliot

What does the stillpoint mean in daily life? Is it a stop to change direction? Is it a resting place before the next surge of momentum? Can you move from the frenzy of worrying to the place of stillness? Will you bow to your ego and laugh?

For high energy individuals, progress requires intensity.  You also need stillness, a form of meditation and ways to trick sprinter minds into observation and silence.  Then, intuitive juices will feel free to come out and dance.

You may need to stare at the clouds.

Notice what percolates without forcing.

When working on a writing project don't permit exhaustion or frustration to set in before you take a break. That's not the best time to stop because of its conditioning effect. 

The next time you're in the flow of words. Stop.  
Even if you  believe you will lose the train of throught. Stop. Look around. Move away from the pen or keyboard.  

Permit solitude to arrive in a variety of forms from silence in sounds, an absence of tastes and textures to a bombardment of newness in sensations. A change of direction helps to enable the momentum to arise anew.

You will return to the dance of words revived!

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