Friday, July 31, 2015

Celebrate a Blue Moon

When two full moons occur in the same month, the second moon is called a blue moon. A blue moon only occurs approximately every 2.7 years. Some feel its energy 12 times more powerful than a regular full moon. 

The second moon of the month is not truly blue. If the moon appears to have a bluish tinge, this results from the presence of volcanic ash or debris and dust from wild fires. Clouds of water droplets, ice crystals or sand can create a similar effect. 

NASA explains, "Often, when the moon is hanging low, it looks red for the same reason that sunsets are red. The atmosphere is full of aerosols smaller than the ones injected by volcanoes. They scatter blue light while  leaving the red behind." 

The Oxford English Dictionary reveals that the first reference to a blue moon comes from a 1528 proverb. 

If we say the moon is blue. 
We must believe that it is true. 

In the 19th century, the phrase until a blue moon developed meant never. Some referred to a blue moon as an absurdity; like saying made of green cheese. Once in a blue moon today means rarely or now and then.

Move into the mysteries of the moon.

Play with a notion of blue moon. 

View yourself in a different light. 

Experience something you rarely do. Let imagination, a tinge of magic and creativity revitalize the night. Then, find the bunny.

Celebrate with the Marcels and sing along with their rendition of Blue Moon.

Check out a melancholic version from Chris Isaak:

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