Thursday, July 11, 2013

Write Beyond Sight

During a M*A*S*H sequence, Dr. Hawkeye Pierce (Alan Alda) suffers from eye damage and must wear a bandage preventing him from seeing.  It's difficult for him to stop his natural instincts concerning patient care.  He learns to use his other senses to detect what needs doing around the complex.

Just before they remove his bandages, he speaks about his experiences without sight.  He mentions the sounds of rain and connections to how steaks sizzle. His heightened awareness of scents assist with diagnosis.  He says, "I've never spent a more conscious day in my life."

Delving into sounds and scents of nature brings more texture into emotional states.  If one falls upon an unsettling thought, it helps to pay attention beyond sight to a calliope of bird song, scents of flowers, and the splash of streams. Smile and breathe with what the breeze offers. 

Creative Write:  Spend a day writing without using sight imagery. Bring in textures, tastes, scents, sounds. Notice changes in mood.

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