Friday, July 5, 2013

Comfort Zone Upheaval

Have you developed a comfort zone in writing?  Do you feel frustrated with a writing project? Jounce into a different view.

Try a radical revision. Write from the middle to start the story or poem.  Take the ending and start writing.

Take a character from mythology. How would he or she do in an automobile during a traffic jam?

What if Socrates met Shakespeare and helped him rewrite, "Romeo and Juliet"?

Choose characters from your favorite books or movies and let them play together. What if Jack Sparrow met Scarlett O'Hara?

Experiment with sounds of words. Sing your writing.

Write in two languages at once - one word at a time.  Does one language add to the other?  Write a story or poem this way.

Dialogue with an emotion.  Create a character from an emotion and develop a persona. What does hostility laugh about?

Make up words and push them into story. Kidulate! Rompate into a poem.

Experiment with conflicting ideas. How does determination dance with lazy?

Try for color sounds and sights that taste a certain way.  Swing with tangerine cream.

Find humor in a mysterious place. Imagine a sock's escape from the laundry hamper.

If you freewrite, after you read the list above, your mind will carry you into a variety of experiences.

Play and let your internal editor drift away.

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