Friday, May 17, 2013

Write Your Self-knowledge

Do you realize you have all you need in your mind and body to make life memorable and amazing?

The seven sages of ancient Greece, philosophers, statesmen, and law-givers who laid the foundation for western culture, gathered at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi to inscribe ‘Know Thyself’ at the entry. 

When asked what was the most difficult thing, Thales replied, “To know thyself.” When asked what was easiest, he replied, “To give advice.”

Mining one's own background and possibility works better than living by someone else's experience and understanding.  While examples help, it's easier to question what has worked in the past and try a new approach yourself.

Self-knowledge learned by self-experience surpasses all other knowledge. 

What's gained in adverse situations turns into armor for future struggles if one pays attention and relive those experiences.  When facing a challenge, use knowledge from a different but challenging experience. Ask: In what ways will this problem be solved.
Live from the inside out. Take responsibility for yourself. Share kindness. Express gratitude. Exercise mind and body. Give all you have each day. 

Creative Write: Write what you know about yourself. Then consider five ways to get the most from your day.

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