Monday, December 7, 2020

Ambles in Nature

Try an early morning amble. Let curiosity lead an investigation of nature's wonders. 
An experience in the morning sets the day. 

Move your feet into an ever-changing environment without a goal. 

What attracts your attention? Notice when and how thinking takes over. As recurring thoughts intervene, focus on the toes and how they fit or grip inside shoes. How do shoes sound on the ground? 

Return to sensations and sensory experiences. How is your mood moving? Stay present and notice as you permit senses to heighten. 

Look up and feel the weather. Watch moving clouds or feel sun warm the face and body. 

Listen for bird song. Honks or mechanical irritants like leaf blowers can provide another perspective.

Let scents tickle your nose. Take in the environment on the detail level without judging.

Pause to pet a leaf and smell a flower. Feel grounding in another few steps. Focus on color, size, shapes of trees or plants ahead.  Breathe in and out five times.

Increase the walking pace, then slow it down.

At the finish of your amble, notice how you feel. What awareness has increased? How has the mood changed?

Go for another amble just at sunset or an hour before bedtime. 

Notice how an evening amble affects sleeping patterns after the experience for three days. 

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