Sunday, October 4, 2020

Tortoise and Hare Revisited

Aesop, a Greek storyteller, wove a fable about the race between a Tortoise and a Hare to reveal how to conquer an opponent's over-confidence.

The Hare bragged about his speed to all the animals. "I have never yet been beaten when I exercise my full speed," he said. "I challenge anyone here to race with me."

     The Tortoise said, "I accept your challenge." 
     "What?" laughed the Hare. "I could dance around you all the way." 
     The Tortoise responded, "Let's race?" 
The Hare zoomed ahead. Soon he flew out of sight of the Tortoise. Laughing, he stopped and, to show his contempt for the Tortoise, decided to take a nap under a tree. The Tortoise plodded on and plodded on. When the Hare awoke from his nap, he trotted on and soon saw the Tortoise approach the finishing line. 

The Hare and could not race up in time to beat the Tortoise. The Tortoise won the race.

Penny's version: 

Many centuries later, at dusk, a tiny turtle wandered the trail near his pond when a bunny bounced by. As the evening darkened, stars exhibited their shapes in a clear sky. 

When bunny stopped to nibble on a root, the turtle caught up.

"Happy evening," said the turtle. "Nice to catch you. Our relatives did not have a good experience," the turtle told the bunny.

"Yep," said the bunny. "My relatives bragged way too much about never losing. Why do we have to beat one another?"

The turtle smiled and directed the bunny toward a stump with a view to the night's stars."Back then show but steady progress won the race.  Let's find companionship and use imagination to discover our images in the sky."
The bunny pointed upward and agreed, "Companionship and collaboration always win in the best way." The new friends settled on the stump and reveled in nature's display.

"Tomorrow, I'll take you for a ride in my lake."

"What fun," the bunny wriggled and hopped onto the turtle's shell. "Let's go we have adventures ahead."

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