Monday, March 30, 2020

Star Pine Strength

During my morning run, I approach my favorite star pine and breathe in its strength. Arborists moved the hundred year old tree about four feet to make way for construction at the La Jolla Contemporary Museum. 

Thankfully, they decided on a costly project to avoid chopping it down. Although branches are brown, green is shining in places. It holds its stature. A kite flew in to bring attention to its majesty the other day.

Grateful for our recent rains, it will continue to outlast its challenges.

I've named it Marco-Sabrin after my sports heroes.

In our trying time, find a focus on a natural scene that represents vitality and strength. Make sure you acknowledge it daily. Name it after a Hero.

In his magical book, The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate, Discoveries from a Secret World, author and forester Peter Wohllebenun shares the story of why trees are so magnificent and why they affect us. Trees live, breathe, eat, sleep, make mistakes and learn, communicate, cooperate, and compete, as they ceaselessly reach for light and water.

Sunrises and sunsets also provide stimulation and inspiration. Pay attention to the wonder.

"Our true home is in the present moment." - Thich Nhat Hanh

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