Monday, March 16, 2020

Balance Your Power

In her book, RAPT, Winifred Gallagher writes about attention and the focused life.What we attend to creates our experience. The mind becomes shaped by what it imposes on itself. Rapt means: engrossed, absorbed, fascinated and "carried away."

During this challenging time with national and international health concerns, we need to increase our chances of having an experience we want rather than enduring a negative situation. 

Researchers have discovered that focus on positive emotions regulates our emotional states. When confronted with a negative situation, if we switch thoughts and dwell on compassion, joy and gratitude, this may strengthen neurons in the left prefrontal cortex of the brain.

We interrupt disturbing messages from the fear-oriented amygdala. We can choose to avoid a fragmented, distracted state of mind. 

If we refocus, reach out and explore positivity in each moment, more ideas arise to spur us on.

Limit news watching that causes fear and frustration. Notice what travels in and out of thoughts. Choose three positive thoughts to replace each frustration. Write them down. At the end of the day, explore how they balanced your power.

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