Sunday, May 6, 2018

Moods of the Sea

". . . every day on the balcony of the sea,
wings open, fire is born,
and everything is blue again like morning."               
". . .and the water is so busy
with all its blue business
that arrivals go unrealized.
The waves keep up their song."
- Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda held a fascination for the sea. It served as a metaphor for his emotions and travels.  In his Isla Negra, he meditated on the nearness of blue.

During my morning runs, the sea behaves in a stroll of moods. Its animation stretches my senses. Some days the wave action reflects a satin stillness. In a moment, mounds appear as if a cat has arched its back, pushed forward and then returned to horizontal. Other days the spindrift curls off a wave's crest like cat claws extended and hidden during movement toward the shore.  

Water moves in a celadon glaze of Chinese porcelain. It reveals a transparency where orange fish swim. A change in season promotes rupture and urgency. 

Aggressive in sapphire, wave action polishes the sandstone. Slush and slap push water in cacophony or symphony. Carried on a mist of salt, scents of cinnamon rolls and coffee mingle on sun-enchanted breezes. 

The sea might match my mood or cause a question of morning's emotions. 

Imagination tickles each breath as I notice an elegance of seahorses driven in harness. 

In an instant they turn into scrambled eggs. Breakfast calls.

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