Saturday, January 29, 2022

Friendship's Benefits


Nobody sees a flower really; it is so small. We haven't time, and to see takes time - like to have a friend takes time. - Georgia O'Keefe

What does it mean to become a friend? How does one develop a friendship? It takes skill and risk. Anticipation and expectation can destroy more relationships than misunderstandings.

Friends remain realistic in their needs. They give what they want to get. They take time - a lot of time, for one another.

Designing oneself to become the friend desired requires listening skills, empathy, compassion and reciprocity. 

A friend arrives like a cool drink on a hot day. 

An understanding glance and hug can do more than medicine to cure illness.

Laughter and play become necessities in all situations. 

Respect and restraint help friends walk in different directions, yet side by side. 

Friends build a two-way street of give and take. One way street signs do not exist in their relationship.

How do you survive friendships? Can you be there and be fun?

What friendship survival skills do you have to share? What three talents do you develop in yourself as a friend?

Have you shared an unlikely friendship?  

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