Sunday, January 16, 2022

Ask Questions

"We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do by learning the answer itself."  - Lloyd Alexander

Spend time asking questions.  Let your thoughts latch onto weird and soak up strange and unusual. Absorb the unfamiliar. Explore and expose your mind to patterns and irregularities in nature.  

On a volatile subject, revolve your perspective to the opposite view. Write a response to: what if I believed . . .

Ask a series of questions about a topic that puzzles you. Notice how one question leads into different territory. Avoid answering the question. Keep asking and writing,

Move away from the concern and wander in free flow writing. Look at the photograph above and start writing. Let your mind swim in the sky. Begin with a "what if." Add playfulness and absurdity.  

What if I write about a cloud formation?  Will it wrap itself around me?  Can I outrun a sparrow?  How high could I jump without gravity? 

Notice if writing away from the issue that puzzles you brings insights.


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