Thursday, May 9, 2013

Write the F word.

"To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." - Bertrand Russell

I'm courageous except when it comes to a doctor's appointment and riding roller coasters. Both cause the F word to flail about me. To banish my Fear of doctors, I focus on the speed and drops of a wild ride in a metal car to convince myself of fear's irrational aspect. If I really had to ride on a roller coaster, I could. 

I also can find satisfaction beyond the dread of my yearly physical. I take good care of myself and train all year for the event. Joking with my doctor, I rattle on like that coaster. Writing soothes and satisfies to help me probe into the physical and emotional responses to FEAR.

Where does Fear come from?  It sprouts from the amygdala; our lizard brain and serves as a warning signal to protect life. Most of what we fear: losing a loved one, financial insecurity or a roller coaster ride doesn't threaten life. Even an annual checkup should not cause worry. The monkey mind makes more of the F word than necessary. It sends that emotion out of control to whip around corners and feel like the coaster might plunge off the track.

Susan Jeffers, author of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, writes that beneath all our other fears lies one root fear: “I can’t handle it.”  That's a false assumption. Past action reveals we can conquer our worries with creativity and action. We may not have the ability to ditch fear's emotional tug but we can control how it affects us. 

When Fear masquerades as protection, it becomes self-sabotage. It damages more than it preserves. If we define it, take it apart and write about it, fear will diminish.

Writing by searching for metaphors provides distance and courage. Fear may still pop up but it no longer rules. Humoring it with play and laughter works. Word flow causes the brain to halt the stress reaction. A relaxation response triggers.

Writing ends the wild ride.  I can handle it!

Creative Write: What do you fear? Write into it.  Give it a name. Visualize it as a creature. Tame it with humor and thank it.

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