Friday, May 10, 2013

Rest. Revitalize. Revise.

The creative process requires exploration, joy, confusion, and revelation. Revision moves in peaks and dips. Nothing about the 'courage to create,' as Rollo May calls it, travels in a linear fashion. Most scientific and creative breakthroughs occur during the rest period after intense work.

The mind needs to percolate ideas. Synapses require relief from constant firing. The writing process involves discovering a spark and attracting others until the fire blooms into focus. At some point the focus requires more writing and word choices.

Play time keeps one searching and making connections on a subliminal level. Words continue to bounce. Intensity requires a rest period while the process continues its diverse ways.

In yoga we have rest poses for a reason in between those that push the mind and body. After working on a project, one needs to relent. Of course with a click of the computer button, the words still shriek and pound their fists. 

I relent to the process by running in a natural setting and photographing ideas. Searching for weird, wild unexpected and their connections helps. I play at the zoo often. 

Cat naps after reading passages of sensory writing also assist. Upon returning to tame the words, I'm refreshed; brain connections rewired.

Creative Write: With a project that requires revision, put the pages in a drawer or save your file and turn off the computer. Get as far away as you can. Give yourself a break and rest or divert from the words. Play! When you return, you'll amaze yourself.

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