Monday, June 8, 2020

Art's Role

"A great deal of why people write, why we make art, why we paint - because the very 
activity of turning in the direction of art is turning in the direction of seeing with more saturation, fullness, amazement . . .  . When I am facing the abyss and feeling the abyss, 
I have learned that what is curative is to look for the simple astonishment that is always present." - Jane Hirshfield

As a blossom
of spring
I go along
nature's path
Reinventing myself.
Wilderness to explore 
where one color begins
another takes over
Life in all layers.

In palomino light
Summer ponies dapple the sky
whipping tails
until unbridled night races
his ebony mane

Twilight nudges
slumbering sky
with wings 
of possibility
while dawn hugs 
stars to sleep.

Each flower smiles with me.
How green, how fresh all that grows.
How cool the wind blows.
Peace is in every step.
It turns the endless path to joy.
- Thich Nhat Hanh

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