Sunday, August 18, 2013

Always be ready.

" . . . the first sun fledged his wings of fame." - James Weldon Johnson

Always be ready when the morning comes
Always be ready when the morning comes with its bright warm sun horizon red. Know that moment when the birds begin to sing and the shadows huddle together for their last goodbyes. Walk in the morning wind, let your face feel the coming delight, the day which awaits you. Walk the trail the earth has given you, the trail that leads you along in light and dark and then finally to the lighted water's edge. Where the wind, the sun, the water, and the earth meet, at that very special spot set down your feet bare. Feel your body's acceptance of where you are and who you are and realize you are part of, and are yourself, the four elements of the universe that surround you, that you are now immersed in. Now sing your own song, the one only you can sing truthfully. -- Lee Pennington

I returned from a yoga class feeling refreshed and ready for the day. When my computer flickered open, a message flared into view from dear friend and Poet Laureate, Lee Pennington.

Reading the words of wisdom from Lee assured me of my philosophy of semper paratus. How each morning I delve into my own song first with all my senses open. As I move through nature's delights during the day, I gain the strength and ability to send light, possibiities and positivity to share with others. 

I cannot fix their concerns but I can toss my energy toward their efforts.

I asked Lee about the conception of his prose poem and he replied,

"I've done these kinds of things--blessings, prayers, whatever they are, for a long time. Just recently, I've started sharing them with people I think might enjoy the journey, the thought. I've started keeping them, that is, keeping a file of them. Previously, I simply sent them out when one was done, usually to one person, and then forgot about it, keeping no copy for myself. Then people started asking me if they could share, and I thought perhaps, just perhaps, they might be of some value to others. This one came this morning"

Thank you Lee! You reminded me of why I post my ideas on this blog each day and the POW.

Power of Words!

Creative Write: Take time today to delve into the song only you can sing. 

Let nature assist you. 

Write your bright to share with others.

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