Saturday, April 27, 2013

Be Yourself

"Be yourself.  No one can tell you you're doing it wrong." - Snoopy

Socrates focused on a process of  "know thyself." How does that differ from what it means to "be yourself"?

Socrates questioned students to lead them to arrive at the truth themselves. He challenged individuals to reconsider their own prejudices and ideas. By urging them to think for themselves, they could evaluate truth from different angles.

His method of conversation and inquiry often irritated his students as it revealed the limitations of their thinking. Yet, Socratic method never had to directly tell people their inadequacies; they realized it themselves.

Socrates questioned everything and decided independently what would become worth pursuing. Studying  issues from both perspectives; he did not allow religious, political, or social conventions to affect him. With the forces of conformity in Greek society, this independence of thought and mind became a powerful way of thinking.

What does it really mean to "be yourself?"

Creative Write: Write and respond to questions today to combine a Snoopy-Socratic way into self-discovery.  Who are you?  Why?  What talents do you have? What do you like about yourself?  What irritates you the most about you?  What would you change?  Keep probing.

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