Monday, March 4, 2013

Design Characters

I try to create sympathy for my characters then turn the monsters loose. ~ Stephen King

Name two characters.

Reveal your characters by their possessions. Choose three items for each.  Place one item on her night stand.  Locate another on his coach.  Let the last move wtih the characters during the day.

Does one character read biographies on a Kindle? The other prefers novels in paperback?

PIck a song and throw out three or four lines for each character.

Add clothing and colors. Pick an outfit neither would wear.

Write a sentence of philosophy or life purpose for each individual.
Develop a setting that causes an unfortunate event to occur.

Have each character choose an action hero.

If your characters took a trip where would they go?

Let each character own a pet and name it.  

Name a food each character dislikes. Show an example of rejecting it.

What troubles one character but delights another?

Describe something each character would not want anyone to know about him or her?

Design additional questions to define your characters.

Creative Write: Respond to the questions with details and dialogue your characters might use.

Place your characters in a situation where these possessions or responses will define their actions and reactions.

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