Thursday, February 2, 2012

Detective of Details

Try a day of mindlessness to understand mindfulness. It becomes a way to avoid worry and fret less.  Let the mind stray from its monkey madness.  Observe consuming thoughts and let them float away.  

Set yourself on a journey as a detective of details.  

Carry a notebook all day.  Notice the shapes, sizes and connections of items you encounter during the day.  Don't include anxieties or judgments. Move into a focus on concrete imagery, specifics, and the senses. 

Become deliberate.  Open your awareness to moment-to-moment experiences.  Taste your food with attention to sweet, sour, texture and aroma. Pull the straying mind into feelings and sensations and away from distractions. Listen - really listen to conversations without interrupting.  Take in sounds of nature and the mechanical world.  Feel warm and cool breezes and your body's reactions.  Breathe with intention and observe the breath.

When you have gathered your perceptions, do a freewrite without referring to the notebook's list. Use a pen that flows in a color across the page.  Notice how the day has percolated into your senses and through your fingers to decorate the paper.

Continue to pursue moments in movement. You'll become a sleuth of sensory to add to writing skills.

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