Friday, February 26, 2021

Handwritten Letters

During my participation in February's International Correspondence Writing Month, 
( INCOWRIMO), I think about my first handwritten letters.  

My father discovered me with an open book, sprawled on the floor in my bedroom. When asked about what I was doing, I said, "I'm writing."  With an open book spread out ahead of me, I attempted to copy the page's black squiggles with a crayon. 

He hugged me with a chuckle, then brought me to his study where he began my lessons in cursive writing. With his hand cuddled over mine, he led with a fountain pen in a magenta color.

Letter writing would connect me with friends during our many travels around the world, he told me. Also, I could write creative thank you notes. With the later, he wanted to make sure I could do more than write, 'Thanks for the gift.'

"Write about what the gift means to you. Use your senses," he requested. 

I wish I had all the letters to my Great Aunt Anna where I thanked her for the knitted items. Imagine bringing in the sound and scent of socks, wool hats, and sweaters she made. It must have amused my family.

Over the years I've kept energized with a variety of pen pals who enjoy the process and cursive writing.

My stable of fountain pen ponies, as I call them, always feel eager to prance upon the page.  

I enjoy this fun more than a romp on a keyboard.

Write a card or letter to a friend to celebrate INCOWRIMO before February moves into March.

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