Friday, April 6, 2012

Investigating Nature's Way

In a Brazilian pepper tree, where branches V, an Anna's Hummingbird prepared her nest.  Secured by spider webs and her presence, it lasted beyond days of wind and rain. When the weather cleared, she tended to the nest's damage with fluff and leaves.

The hummingbird stayed vigilant on her nest once eggs appeared. At most, she left for five minutes an hour to take sips of nectar from nearby orchid trees and hibiscus bushes.

Crows and a Cooper's hawk circled, never far away. Their calls like clacks of castanets tainted the sky.

One day the hummingbird did not return to the nest by evening. Her click. click. click rose from the treetop.

 Once the flannel cup enclosed two pearls for safekeeping.  When scents of nightblooming jasmine trailed on the breeze, only shell fragments remained.

What happened?  Circumstances percolate in writers' minds. Often a situation sparks ideas and transfers emotions for use in later writing.

The above revelation of photographs and facts meshes determination, disappearance, and natural wonder.  All could translate into an investigations of other life issues.

How would you write about the hummingbird or a similar occurrence that reveals nature's way?  Does the information inspire a poem or personal narrative about a scene you experienced?

Let imagery hover for a day in memory. Try a freewrite to search for connections.

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