Friday, November 16, 2018

The Power of Catnip and Kryptonite

Elizabeth Gilbert once described a relationship with someone as both "catnip and kryptonite." 

If you have owned a cat, you know catnip's lure. Superman had to avoid his proximity to kryptonite or suffer weakened power.

Do you have a place, situation, activity or person like that? How do you neutralize the obsessive effects on you? How could it empower you to make a good decision about the relationship you will have in the future?

"Judge a moth by the beauty of its candle," said the poet Rumi.

Write about an obsession with something amazing or amusing. What about it confuses or confounds?

Make a list of catnip adventures you'd like to pursue you haven't considered.

Delve into the aspects of Kryptonite that excite. Develop a character who might like to fly into the flame.

Writers need the challenges of approach and avoidance to create works of wonder.

Always add a spark of humor.

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