Monday, July 16, 2018

The Landscape of Self

Consider: Where have you felt most at home? Where do you feel comfortable in an environment?

Use your curiosity and imagination to create a landscape of self. 

Where did you come from?

List feelings as fast as you can. Begin with: joy, fullness, confusion, despair, contentment, silliness, seriousness, loneliness, boredom, excitement.

Next, list landscape-related words: mountain, peak, valley, hill, pebble, seaside, waves, twig, leaf, desert cactus, swamp, meadow, fence, garden pond, creek, sky, prairie. Combine feelings with the landscape imagery.

Open with, I come from . . .

You might come from a mountain of silliness, a twig of sarcasm, a tornado of anxiety, prairies of delight.

Add colors, sounds, scents, tastes and textures.

After you have collected imagery, do a free write.

Go in and circle images that mean the most to you. Where will you take them for further 

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