Sunday, December 17, 2017

Pen a Pasquinade

Laughter is action.  I am a very human believer that the only way to change the world is to affect the emotions of the human beings in it. If you want the people in power to see themselves as ridiculous, you must laugh at them. - Amy Lane

In 1501 they unearthed a marble statue in Rome near the city's Pizza Novona. A male torso, called "Pasquino" by the Romans, began a tradition on St. Mark's Day.  In its honor, professors and students would dress the statue and write Latin verses to post on it.

Satires replaced the verses and the Pasquino statue became the location for posting anonymous, critical lampoons.

In the mid-17th century, these postings were known in English as "pasquinades." The term has since expanded in usage to refer to any satirical writing.

Write to make fun of a foible of yours or of a public figure. Focus on the weakness, not on yourself or the person.  Let laughter cause change.

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