Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Consider a window: it is just
a hole in the wall, but because of it
the whole room is filled with light.
Thus when the mind is open
and free of its own thoughts,
life unfolds effortlessly,
and the whole world is filled with light. 
  The Second Book of the Tao, Stephen Mitchell

During a visit the San Diego's Wild Animal Park, I noticed the Great White Egret and its posture in the water.  A window in openness, illusions surrounded the bird. Its reflection provided a quality beyond grasp. A mystery of light trails appeared in its presence as water rippled away and back again.

Another fellow stood on the bank feathered in gray with a silly expression.  Called a shoe bill, the bird had no apparent mate.  

A sign indicated his endangered nature.  He wriggled and made unbirdlike sounds bouncing on one leg, then the other.

Light penetrates and leads if we permit it. Even those without wings will fly.

What light travels for you today? What windows do you notice? 

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