Monday, October 9, 2017

Find What Works

Since world's instant communication systems focus on what's broken, we must discover what works.  For some individuals words of wisdom and positive communication may not appear realistic. When we create our own mental state of mind, positive reinforcement enlivens the day.

Staying balanced involves permitting oneself to feel the highs and lows, then leveling off from daily dips. A smile activates a positive attitude, improves mood, and helps us benefit from the day's challenges.

Choose your quality of the day: grace, courage, persistence, self-acceptance. Use it as a focus if you have a meditation practice.  Or, write about it to begin the day.

Benefit from natural resources by taking in sights, sounds and scents. Breathe in the colors of wonder.

Find expressions that stimulate joy.

Surround yourself with natural art. Remove petulance and replace it with petals.

Discover energy from unexpected change.

Use photography to capture amazements.

Feel gratitude for all your gifts. 

Last thing at night: Review all the good things that happened during the day. 

Build your gratitude muscle and train your mind to go for the good. 

Remember to focus on what works.

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