Sunday, December 20, 2015

Find Down Time

Einstein said there are only two ways to live your live your life
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
I get into trouble in my life
When I fail to treat my time as precious.
When I succumb to tasks, crisis, disputes, social obligations
Doing things not unique, not interesting, not the product of thought.
Reacting to the ups and downs, tossed to and fro
By this and that, very little of which is significant.
Trying to get lots done
Rather than unique work of quality and beauty
Which takes focus. And re-work.
My life has a flow, my work power
When I create my life, rather than react to it
Live my own rhythm.
Work to manifest my beauty
Which starts with downtime,
Starts with building inner momentum, inner power.
Beware, I say, of
Tranquilization by the long term insignificant
By the trivial.
- Roderick MacIver

During the Holidays, many feel the frenzy and need to deal with, "tasks, crisis, disputes, social obligations."  Reactions occur which take away from life's possibilities.

Read Roderick MacIver's words again and consider how to move into your own flow and rhythm.  Create your life rather than react to it, as he recommends.

Find downtime during this season of busy. Search for inner momentum and true Self-Power.
- Rod MacIver

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