Thursday, February 19, 2015

Turkey Vulture's Story

The fable tells of how the sun used to live close to the earth. It became so hot the animal kingdom set up a meeting to help the sun move farther away.

The fox grabbed the sun in his mouth and ran to the heavens. It burned him and turned the inside of a fox’s mouth black. The opossum wrapped his tail around the sun and raced upward. His tail scorched and that’s why no hair grows there.

The vulture had a head of rich feathering that all birds envied.  Knowing that the earth would burn up unless someone moved the sun, the vulture placed its head against the blazing ball and began to fly. With powerful strokes of its wings, the vulture pushed the sun farther into the universe.  

While the vulture could feel its crown feathers burning, it kept pushing to the applause of the animal kingdom. It set the sun a comfortable distance from the earth but lost its head feathers as a result.

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