Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Write Apples and Strawberries

A teacher, showing a little fellow how to count said, "If I give you one apple, and one apple and one apple, how many do you have?"  

He responded, "Four."

Dismayed, the teacher said, "No, I give you three."

The fellow felt sad but didn't want to disappoint his teacher and when she asked again, responded four.

Her patience tested, the teacher tried again, "If I give you one strawberry, one strawberry and one strawberry.  How many do you have?"

The fellow smiled, "Three."

Now let's return to apples, the teacher said.  She repeated the problem she'd given him at first.

Once again, he replied, "I have four apples."

The teacher exploded, “How young man, how?” 

In a tiny voice he replied, “Because I already have one apple in my bag.”

Creative Write: Develop a story similar to the one above. When someone gives you an answer different from what you expect, consider an angle that you may not have thought about.

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