Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Write Nonsense to Energize

Reality can get in the way of creativity. Take a chance and write nonsense. It might turn out to make perfect sense and twirl into a launching pad for your writing.

Look at the silliness of the government.  Think of five ways you would use humor to turn their activities around.

See the world upside down hanging by your knees from a tree's branch. Try the notion of changing places. Imagine daisies in the sky and clouds rooted to the ground. What would they dialogue about?

How would you transform into your opposite self?  If you play it safe, take more chances.  If you run an organized life, what if you scattered your life about?
Alter your routine. Do something you’ve really wanted to try and never had the time to do. Then write about it.

Search for faces and animals enveloped in roses. Invite them to tea.

Creative Write: Take a reality break. Write into the crawl spaces of fun and fantasy.

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