Monday, June 10, 2013

Stories in Flowers

“I found I could say things with color and shapes 
that I couldn't say any 
other way - things I had no words for.”
  - Georgia O'Keefe

Enter into the language of flowers. Imagine their stories.

Begin with the feeling each photo evokes.

Do you see sadness, anger, frustration or joy in faces?

Who is hiding upside down?

Look into the photos for creative interactions. What personalities do they reveal?

Notice like a caterpillar that might dip into the cave of a rose.

What does it feel, taste and smell like to move your fuzzy body into a rose's chamber?

A party of birds of paradise. What's the conversation?

Chocolate kimona

Think about the sounds of colors, their tastes and how fragrance defines the petals of silk.
Creative Write: Play and listen for your own language in flowers. Find the words.

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