Sunday, March 4, 2012

Writing about Relationships

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” - Leo Buscaglia

Close relationships require attention and fine tuning.  We establish routine car maintenance but often forget about an individual's needs. A focus on ways to spruce up communication techniques with a loved one becomes a necessity to keep it running.

What five comments do you believe assist in relationship development and enrichment?

Here's a start:

Say Thank You for the small things.

Say I'm sorry at the point of concern. Don't pout or delay.  Sorry is a calming word.

Ask -  How may I help you?

Smile and comment, "You're looking great today."

Say,  I love you.  Say it often with a smile.

In relationship disagreements, compromise never works. One person has to give in.  Consider collaborative thinking where a new solution gives possibilities for each person's view.  Think about dividing an orange.  One person wants orange juice; the other wants to make an orange cake.  Split in half, the orange only goes half way for each.  If the orange peel is used for the cake, the pulp and juice can become a drink.  Push for creative notions when negotiating.

Write about what five key phrases for relationship success.  Create a dialogue between two individuals who need to collaborate.

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