Monday, June 27, 2011

Creating a Dream Sequence

A recent medical event sent me plunging and questioning into a depth of darkness.  I don't often dwell in places so deep and confining.  While a visit into this cave of chaos might not become an adventure for pleasure; it provides a means of self-discovery.

Inner power gained through creativity and writing activates a return to the regular self.

The humidity in the mind cavern stifled objectivity.  Shouting a challenge to my Better self,  I created imagery in sequences to get me through the night.

Out the stuck door I pushed, running at an even pace through a jungle, then a forest. Finally a field of wildflowers dappled in sunshine greeted me.

During the roughage of night, shadows and eyes glared from tangled vines. Creatures slithered against my arms. While shades of fear howled and clouded thinking, I kept one foot in front of another. A focus on breath and movement kept the terrors at bay.

My feet slogged in marshland with the buzz of insects pricking my skin. Like a Disney ride gone wild and off the track, my mind lurched. With measured breaths, I leaned into the corners as I kept my forward progress.

Within the monotone of darkness, my eyes squeezed until a kaleidoscopic view flavored my lids.  I brushed against the final pine tree of the forest rubbing its scent among my fingers.

Once into the light, I looked at the mountain peaks that shimmered against the sky under clouds in magenta whorls.  They beckoned with adventures.  I found a path laced with jasmine, tuberoses and lavender.  Awareness of feathers jazzing the air mingled with the rush of waterfalls re-tuned my ears.

I climbed the path toward the summit growing the buoyancy of my regular self.   My prize -  the panorama view from the summit.

Creative Write: Create a metaphor to use when you need to return to your optimal self.  Name anxiety and despair as characters to learn from, instead of opponents to battle.

Design a sequence of imagery to return to in times of need.  Notice how much better the writing makes you feel.

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