Monday, August 23, 2010

Positive Writing

How do you stay Positive about your writing when moods and self-doubt disrupt your balance?  It's a good idea to have ways to trick yourself with diversion.  Try these ideas.  Add your own.

l.    Laugh at yourself and the situation. 
2.  Write about your mood or name it and have a conversation.  Who's the boss here?
3.   Try a few deep breaths.  Start wth six in and out.  Feel the coolness in through your nose and the heat as you breathe out.  Go for ten in, twelve out.  Enjoy the rhythm. Try it with a few ha ha ha ha ha's as you breathe out through your mouth.
4.  Give your mood a name and write a letter to it.  Try a dialogue with it also. How will it respond?
5.  Clean out your refrigerator.  You will want to return to your writing!

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