Monday, June 29, 2009

Runnin' and Writin'

If sentences run along like this bamboo, where's the thrill? Add spice!

Write like a moving camera to take in the scenery and tease each moment. Let the reader experience your subject as you go. Don't tell everything. Add the spice of sound and scent along the way. Color the greenery with delphiniums, roses and a daisy.

Spark vitality and add texture when you taste the honeysuckle. Mix and match short and long sentences. This gives the reader a breather. Avoid the use of too many "to be" verbs in sentence after sentence.

Promise yourself to avoid "is" "am" "was" "were" and "ings" for a day.

Adjectives and adverbs sprout like weeds among the "beautiful" flowers. They choke the essence from nouns and verbs that drive the sentences. Why write "beautiful" when you can show the iris float above its stalk like a banner in the wind?

Listen to bird songs and see if you can duplicate the trills on the page. Show the ping of water that splashes in a fountain.

Creative Write: Take a walk and record like a camera. Return home and write from your discoveries.

1 comment:

  1. I want to thank you for your blog.. You write like a painter or a sculpter.. as I do not see words as text,but pictures that move, I have enjoyed all of your blog.. as I often feel trapped in this body, and lost in this life.. this time... a picture painted in my mind, is such a wonderous thing.. to see beauty brought to life in a sentence.. Is Joy!
    I can only say Thank You.. I will take this painting you have placed before me, and look at it from time to time, that I may paint and sculpt, that others may see, as you have helped me see.. Goddess Bless........
