Saturday, July 2, 2022

Dragonfly's Dance

The sky, river and land quarreled over colors to represent them. The sky claimed blue, but the river roared in disagreement.

Land demanded multicolors: greens, yellows and browns. That decision angered both the sky and river.

Then sky shouted also about needing ambers, crimsons and gold.

They quibbled daily. Only darkness ended the fighting. With the next dawn, the arguments surged anew.

One day the dragonfly interceded. "Why not collaborate and exchange colors throughout the day," she said.

To encourage their alternation of colors, her clan of dragonflies wove a variety of darks and lights into a collage to present for their view.

They also invited birds, ladybugs, bees, and other insects to add hues.

Members of the animal and plant kingdom arrived to convince land, river and sky about the intermingling and sharing of color.

Finally, land, river and sky agreed to trade and mix. 

The dragonfly danced in triumph.

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