Wednesday, October 27, 2021

A Morning Run


During my morning runs, thoughts unravel. Songs arrive to match the pace.

I look up where clouds fly, feeling a sense of nature's nurture. Breezes circulate with scents of eucalyptus and sea mist. The chill of morning air raises hair on my arms.
The sea coast brings a turn in the road and my tunes change. If a sadness or situation of concern populate my path, I scurry through them in search of a positive view.

Staying in the moment, I evaluate my toes as they hit the road. I check on knees, ankles, neck, shoulders for details.

Sea birds provide art in the water's reflection. Sea lions flash their smiles.

My hearing intensifies to bird song. An osprey's antics add humor.

As the pace increases, a shift in breathing occurs. Rhythm changes and a flow sets in that clears the mind.

Creativity soars with ideas that spring into focus. I pass an amazement of flowers.

The run ends only after reaching a state where I want to run forever. If I'm weary, just five more steps finish the day. That conditioning sets an eagerness to return tomorrow. 

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