Saturday, May 22, 2021

Ars Poetica


Blaga Dimitrova, Bulgaria's celebrated poet, novelist and playwright wrote:

As Long as You're Upright
Don't forget to rejoice.
The wise trees whisper
as they crash on failing knees
under the ax.
Don't forget to rejoice!
As long as you're upright,
as long as you encounter the wind.
As long as you breathe the heights.
As long as the ax slumbers.

Daily, the media throws "news" at us in the form of disasters, disorders and disarray. Rarely do we see headlines that inspire.

How do we survive each day with a positive attitude in this culture of negativity?  How do we remain upright?

Poetry leads us to search for our center and travel outward from it to make connections  

We can do this in a tone of whininess or search for what works in our lives and in the world. 

Nature provides endless possibilities from dawn to dusk with marvels for our enrichment.

Inhaling life with all our senses gives perspective.

Today consider life from a Positive perspective.  

Write your Ars Poetica from a place in nature. 

Delight and instruct the reader with your art form.

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