Sunday, February 9, 2020

Writing in the Flow

Between saying and doing many a pair of shoes is worn out. ~Italian Proverb

A Tibetan teacher describes practice as the wearing out of an old pair of shoes. We need to wear the soles thin. By that time we have worn through ego and delusion.

The more time we spend in writing practice, the more we gain insights we would not otherwise discover.

If we stop too soon because we feel eager to complete a project, we lose the opportunities to deliver into connections. Insights wait for us with the next flow of sentences.

We seek revelations by nudging words to fly into one another and permitting them to alight in myriad formations. If we risk and attempt new ideas, we may not feel confident until we push limits by writing into them.

Like a comfortable pair of shoes with mileage, the words will energize us to keep moving.

We stop writing only when active in the flow. Then the magic feels eager for the next opportunity.

Which shoes will you wear today?

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